Talking about embroidery on Fiber Talk!

A few weeks ago I was interviewed by Gary and Christine for a wonderful podcast called Fiber Talk. It's specifically for fiber artists and interviews have been with artists in all areas of fiber art; canvas work, finishing, embroidery, textile manipulation and more. It's great to listen to when embroidering! You can listen directly from the web site,   subscribe through iTunes  listen on Floss Tube or on other apps specific to your phone or tablet.Both Gary and Christine are fiber artists in their own right and have different interests from mine, so we had a lot to chat about. The afternoon they called I found a quiet place with a cup of tea to settle down and have a good long chat about embroidery.We talked about studying at the Royal School of Needlework, embroidery in Europe, my new studio, upcoming classes I'm planning and loads more. The hour flew by, talking to two people who have the same passion for thread I do!Fiber Talk is produced 2 times a week so there are lots of past interviews to listen to. The world of fiber art is huge and there are so many talented people from whom we can learn.If you listen, I'd love to know what you think and find out if there are things you would like to hear more about! Hope you enjoy listening in as we talk fiber!


Trevelyon's Pocket Embroidery finished!


Joining the Embroiderer's Guild of America