The Unbroken Thread

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Trevelyon's Cap Final Photos

The sun did shine for a short time this weekend. It was late afternoon, so it slanted in the window as it does during the early part of the winter at about 3 pm. These photos have shadows which enhance the bright color and gold shimmer of the cap.I took quite a few more under a strong light against a flat white background; these look more like museum shots. Lastly, there is a video - made with my iPad so it isn't the very highest quality. It does, however, show you the piece in the round.Before you zip down the page, I want to say thank you to all of you who sent encouraging words, upbeat comments, sympathetic insights and general support during the past year. You're a great community and, as I've said before, I wish we could all get together and chat as we stitch.Thank you from the bottom of my heart.



Please click on the photo above to watch the video.



There will be future posts on the specifics of putting the hat together, lining it and even making the tassel.

Until then...Liebe Grüße!